Sunday, February 26, 2012

Alumni Update

This past weekend we had community service events including helping the YWCA and chill-a-bration. At chillabration we took pictures and made balloon animals for the local children. Greg Laneri took home the trophy for eating the most frozen pancakes. A special thanks to Cameron Barnett (the Leadership Consultant), Jeff Brink (BB), Derek Bruce, Jake Martinko, Michael Mcgovern, and Flynn Hill for visiting this past weekend. Tyler Donnelly and Darren Fraser are hard at work collaborating on the newsletter. Please don't forget to send them information you would like to be included in the Alumni Highlights section. Also don't forget to RSVP to the 5 year banquet through Diego Segura ASAP. Next weekend will be spring break however we will be sending a couple members to the Regional Leadership Conference. We also just started registering for to keep track of alumni and increase communication. Watch out for the email to register to and more alumni updates.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rush Video

Alumni Highlights

Dear Alumni,

I would like to start working on our upcoming newsletter, since we haven't had one in a long time. One of the articles I would like to include is an Alumni Highlights page(s). In order to do this I would like to know more about what each alumni is currently doing. I would like all alumni who wish to be included to email me at a short paragraph(s) about their current life. Please limit this to one page and include careers since graduation, major at SUNY Cortland, Year graduated, future plans, etc. Please limit to serious information since this will be read by alumni and current members. I know it is hard to take time out of your busy schedules but it will be greatly appreciated if you do so. You must have the email into me by Sunday February 26 to be included in the newsletter. Thank You.

Darren Fraser
Current "C"